Day 1 Highlights: Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that matter
Our afternoon kicked off with a warm welcome from Archana, who set the tone for the event by framing the session and inviting us into the powerful calling question. “How can we listen to the layers of wisdom in India to co-create a thriving future?"
We got to meet our amazing hosts, including Siddharth, who graciously welcomed us to the serene Fireflies space.
Our first activity was a circle conversation. It was a moment for all of us to reflect and share what really brought us here, setting the stage for four days of connection and growth.
After a refreshing tea break, Maria Scordialos took us on a journey through the roots of the Art of Hosting, sharing the five key assumptions and the worldview that shape this practice.
Energy levels soared during a spirited game of football, played first with rules, and then—chaos! This lively experiment was our gateway to understanding the Chaordic Path model, a concept that explores the dance between chaos and order in participatory leadership.
We closed the day with a deep dive into the four levels of listening, moving beyond words to truly connect. In trios, we practiced listening as witnesses and harvesters—unlocking the art of tuning into the unspoken.
Day One left us inspired, energized, and ready for more. We wrapped up with a check out, excited to explore where these generative conversations would lead us next!
Day 2 Highlights
On our second morning, we stepped into the space with curiosity and wonder.
We started the day with a little reminder of the diversity of our group, and we celebrated our participants, as this was the day they stepped into hosting.
After a wonderful check in with forward backward and still moment steps we all were just stirring dosa batter putting the air element in it.
Joanna introduced everybody to the Diamond model of participation, which is a mental model in the AoH practice. Where we lead our journey from divergence through growth/groan zone towards convergence. Also it's important to give adequate time for the growth zone to be able to come to the newly emerged convergence
Then we all were engaged in World Cafe conversations at small table discussions, where we all actually had experienced our journey from divergence to convergence, gross to subtle followed by beautiful embodiment creatives.
Narayan introduced us to one of the most foundational practices in the Art of Hosting, the 4-fold Practice:
What comes easiest for us in our life? What is the trickiest for now? To host ourselves, to be hosted, to host others, or co-create with others? As we inhabited our most and least comfortable part of the practice, we shared the tricks and tools we use and inspired each other to become better practitioners in each.
This was followed by solo walk a beautiful experience of being with nature with awareness.
Then a wonderful session led by Melinda about Powerful Questions, which are one of the most beautiful tools in hosting to develop deep learning and mental clarity.
Day 3 Highlights: Deep Conversations, Open Spaces, and Celebration
We started the day with a thoughtful feed forward, recapping the richness of Day 2, followed by an energetic check-in that set the tone for what lay ahead.
The morning invited us into circles of exploration, reflecting on how we host ourselves and others in difficult conversations. These deeply moving exchanges left everyone feeling heard and seen—a testament to the incredible work of our circle hosts.
Next, we delved into the art of harvesting, discovering the importance of designing for both tangible and intangible outcomes. From there, the energy shifted to the Open Space marketplace, where the host team introduced a lineup of intriguing sessions. Curiosity buzzed as participants explored and signed up for sessions that sparked their interest.
After immersing ourselves in these open spaces, we returned to harvest the insights and connections that had emerged. The hosts then guided us through the 8 Breaths of Process Design, encouraging us to reflect on where we felt most confident and where we might grow.
As the day transitioned to evening, the celebration team worked their magic, creating a joyful night filled with appreciation, music, dancing, and connection. It was the perfect way to honor the journey we’ve shared so far.
Day Three left us inspired, reflective, and full of gratitude—and maybe even a sense of liberation from all that dancing! Here’s to carrying this energy into the days ahead.
Day 4 Highlights
On the final day of the AoH training, we began with a longer and deeper check in to sense into how we were arriving in the space.
The check in was followed by Design for Wiser Action, where eight participants put forth their ideas of projects and plans where they intended to incorporate the methodologies and practices of AoH. We split into smaller groups where we looked at the broader overview (i.e., the purpose and need) of each project while also delving into the nitty-gritty (i.e., the location, the specific next steps, etc).
This exercise offered a flavour of the sheer number of considerations that underpin a project, and how important it is to work in collaboration and never alone! Witnessing how AoH practices can be implemented across various designs and projects was moving and enlivening!
After lunch, we went on a bit of a reflective journey together, looking back at our time over the last four days. We reflected individually in silence before we gathered in a circle one last time (in this specific space!) to share what was alive in us after these four wholesome days. The overarching feeling was one of gratitude and deep joy; how lucky we were to gather in this space, with each other, learning and co-creating along the way! To listen to the guided gallery walk, click here to watch the recording.
Together, we all took a step forward to symbolically mark our entry into the AoH community. We embraced one another, breaking into laughter and happy tears, making promises to continue to dream together even as we returned to our own paths.
The AoH training is truly a gift that keeps giving.
Event Videos
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By the same illusion which lifts the horizon of the sea to the level of the spectator on a hillside.
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By the same illusion which lifts the horizon of the sea to the level of the spectator on a hillside.